Joyce's Blog

7 Most Common Asked Questions on Composting
by Patty Rose, Contract Educator at the CSWM Comox Valley Compost Education Centre What if I have flies in my composter! The reason for this is because nitrogen rich kitchen...
7 Most Common Asked Questions on Composting
by Patty Rose, Contract Educator at the CSWM Comox Valley Compost Education Centre What if I have flies in my composter! The reason for this is because nitrogen rich kitchen...

What to Compost
From "Ask a Pro", Comox Valley Echo, 1 May 2012 Question: What should I be composting? Answer: The simple answer is anything that is organic. But some additions decompose better...
What to Compost
From "Ask a Pro", Comox Valley Echo, 1 May 2012 Question: What should I be composting? Answer: The simple answer is anything that is organic. But some additions decompose better...

What's the Big Deal about Compost?
From "Ask a Pro", Comox Valley Echo, 3 April 2012 Question: What’s the big deal with compost and why is everyone raving about composting? Answer: It helps your garden, municipality,...
What's the Big Deal about Compost?
From "Ask a Pro", Comox Valley Echo, 3 April 2012 Question: What’s the big deal with compost and why is everyone raving about composting? Answer: It helps your garden, municipality,...
Speedibin on
The Speedibin is a rodent-resistant composter made of sheet metal. We have used one in the Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden for almost 20 years. It does not deteriorate like wooden...
Speedibin on
The Speedibin is a rodent-resistant composter made of sheet metal. We have used one in the Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden for almost 20 years. It does not deteriorate like wooden...

Welcome to Our Composting Blog!
We are excited to start our composting blog where we will discuss many ideas for improving backyard composting.
Welcome to Our Composting Blog!
We are excited to start our composting blog where we will discuss many ideas for improving backyard composting.